Smart use of energy, continuous improvements in efficiency and transparent communication - all this and much more are important components of FERALPI STAHL's environmental and energy management system.
Produce and grow up with respect
for people and the environment.
What the founder of the Feralpi Group Carlo N. Pasini once stated as a maxim still applies today at FERALPI STAHL. Because sustainable development can only be implemented if economic, environmental and social aspects are taken into account. The company's policy on environmental protection and energy use is therefore based on six principles:
Our principles:

Our environmental management system provides transparency
In May 2007, we started the implementation of an environmental and energy management system in accordance with the relevant DIN standards with an environmental audit.
Since 2015, these have been combined into one management system. Thanks to automated database software, the entire management documentation, including legal regulations, licensing requirements, management of hazardous substances, water-polluting substances and work/procedure instructions, can be fully traced at any time. This creates absolute transparency, which we at FERALPI STAHL also share with the public in open dialogue.
We publish a sustainability and environmental statement every year, as well as the results of our emission and immission measurements and information on environmental protection projects, such as noise protection measures.
We publish a sustainability and environmental statement every year, as well as the results of our emission and immission measurements and information on environmental protection projects, such as noise protection measures. At FERALPI STAHL, we maintain a transparent and open dialogue, including with the relevant approval and monitoring authorities, and forward any information and data required on operating processes and environmental impacts without being asked.
To meet the needs of citizens living close to the production sites, we have set up a citizens' telephone line where they can reach us around the clock. Telephone: +49 (0) 3525 749-2518
The added value of our environmental and energy management
In addition to absolute transparency, we benefit in many ways through our environmental and energy management. We can identify, implement, control, monitor and document energy-relevant processes. This enables us to comply with all environmental and energy-relevant legal regulations/permit requirements and to initiate corrective measures if necessary. We are constantly striving to uncover potential for improvement and to optimise our processes.
In order to be able to evaluate the environmental impact and energy consumption, we regularly carry out environmental audits. In this way, the most significant environmental aspects and the main energy consumers are identified - which is the basis for initiating improvements.
At FERALPI STAHL, we also involve our employees in these processes and raise their awareness of environmental protection and energy efficiency.
Eco certification
FERALPI STAHL was awarded the highest label of the European Union for our efforts in environmental management: We have been allowed to continuously use the EMAS logo since 2012. This certificate is only awarded to companies that voluntarily go beyond the legal requirements in their environmental performance processes. FERALPI STAHL continuously invests in the best available technology in order to keep emission values permanently far below the specified limit values. The monitoring of compliance with the EMAS requirements takes place annually, the recertification or validation itself every three years.