From education to research to sport

FERALPI STAHL has always had close ties with the regions and their communities in which they are located. Each FERALPI STAHL site makes a significant contribution to the development of its region and assumes a social and economic responsibility for growth and environmental, cultural and social protection.

For this reason, we actively cooperate with institutions and institutes, associations and federations. Together with them, we realize projects for the regions and their inhabitants.


Education plays an important role in our commitment. FERALPI STAHL supports private, church and municipal kindergartens and schools in this area.

In close cooperation with institutions such as Villa auf dem Kirschberg e.V. and Freies Lernen Jahnishausen e.V., we realise great projects for several years.


We support the young sections of the local sports clubs, such as BSG STAHL Riesa e.V., VfL Riesa e.V. or Sportclub Riesa e.V.. From our point of view, sport helps to develop one's own personality. It refines body and health awareness and trains team spirit. All these factors are important reasons for us to get involved in regional sport.


Along with the topic of education, FERALPI STAHL also supports art and cultural institutions in the Riesa region. Because culture is one of the things that unites the region. Notable for its support in the area of culture is the orchestra of the city of Riesa, the Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen GmbH.


For the continuous optimisation of our steel production, we have established a network with scientific and educational institutions. Within this framework, we work together with the Technische Universität Dresden, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the Berufsakademie Riesa. This gives prospective engineers the opportunity to write their diploma thesis at FERALPI STAHL. Especially in the field of "environmental protection", we cooperate with various research institutions.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection is also of great interest at FERALPI STAHL. We not only produce in a resource-saving way, we are also committed to the environment outside our production halls and support campaigns in our region.